Today's special post is about our amazing participants who came out to our very FIRST WORKOUT WEDNESDAY with ANABEL yesterday!
...and THANKS to Anabel for facilitating our session! We sure were sweating... and feeling it today!
We must also say THANKS to our little friend who joined his mom and got in on the action--seven-year-old Liam worked so hard and did so well! Way to go, Liam! (Yes, mamas, bring your kids to our virtual workout!)
We can't wait to see you all back next week for WORKOUT WEDNESDAY on June 23rd, 2021 12-1pm online.
Please RSVP here:
We hope YOU will 'turn over your new leaf' with us NEXT WEDNESDAY and EVERY WEDNESDAY!
#yournewleaf #turnoveryournewleaf #goals #wellness #physicalwellness #supportlocal #workoutwednesday #your_new_leaf
This is what workouts at home look like these days!
One day we will be able to meet in a large group again... IN PERSON!
Workout Wednesday is a virtual group workout designed to get you moving and stretching using only what you have at home. Offered every Wednesday starting June 16th, 2021 for a minimum donation of $5.00.
Brought to you by Anabel Silva, Daisy-Mae Hamelinck, and Marcia Allyn Luke