With the rainy weather we've been having the last little while, it's been a good reminder for us to consider....that yes, even the rain or storms in life... will stop.
The downpour will turn to a sprinkle of rain,
the clouds will clear,
and the sun will shine again.
In time.
Until the rain slows or stops, what will be the umbrella or rain jacket in YOUR life?
WHO can you call when you are going through a storm?
WHO can help hold that umbrella along life's journey?
Reach out for support during your storm--there IS light and good things on the other side.
Maybe even a rainbow.
Maybe something even better than you could have ever imagined.
If you are the one offering support, how can YOU be the light in someone's dark rainstorm?
What will YOUR new leaf be?
Monday Moment is a weekly segment highlighting a special quote of the week.
This segment is meant to motivate and inspire you to set new goals in your daily life.
For more inspirational quotes, please go to: