Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season.
If this time of year is challenging for you,
may you feel a little extra love coming your way.
Remember, this time of year is full of opportunities to turn over new leaves--to do something different...
Will YOU...
...take a little extra time for yourself during all this hustle and bustle?
...remember that its your 'presence', not necessarily your 'presents' that matter?
...pick up the phone and call that family member you haven't talked to for years?
...send a quick text message to that special someone?
Like the image below, this holiday can be like a blank canvas.
YOU can do something different this season.
You can break a holiday tradition.
You can show up without bringing an expensive gift.
You can remember what this season is really all about...
What will YOUR new leaf be?
How will YOU turn over a new leaf this holiday season?
Happy holidays from Daisy-Mae and your friends at Your New Leaf.
#happyholidays #change #dosomethingdifferent #presencevspresents #wellnessdimensions #betterlife #bestlife #happiness #growth #bebrave #itistime
[Image description:
A red canvas has the words Happy Holidays in the bottom right corner.
In the top left corner are holiday decorations: mistletoe and holly berries, decorative balls, and jingle bells.]
For more inspirational reminders and quotes, please go to: